Timeless Beauty
Massage Therapy
Terms of Use & Privacy Policy
GP Advice
If a client is undergoing treatment by their GP or has any medical conditions they should seek GP's consent and show proof before treatment can take place. Clients having treatment without disclosing any medical conditions do so at their own risk. Timeless Beauty Massage Therapy can take no responsibility for undisclosed conditions !
Cancellation Policy
Please can you give at least 24 hours notice if you need to cancel or re- arrange your appointment ! Failure to do so may incure a small charge.
Customer Testimonials
You won't be disappointed, its a real way to find some much needed peace and switch off from everyday stresses. Liz does work from home but is also very happy to do home visits. Some people combine the two treatments in one visit for a real treat.
I have just had an amazingly lovely Indian Head Massage with really nice oils !
Any information given is both private and confidential and all documents are stored safely !
Unfortunately there is a limit of no treatment less than £20.00 on all mobile apointments due to Expenses ie.time and petrol. Everything has been risk assessed and all products used are all natural ie. oils and lotions.